Modern transmissions are an extremely complicated mixture of mechanical, hydraulic and electronic components all working in concert to perform their function. At Cedar Performance we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate information possible to our customers and we understand that attempting to diagnose and quote a repair over the phone is just bad business. Transmissions can fail in a variety of ways and, in many of the cars we diagnose; we find only a minor transmission repair is required. Before quoting or starting any repair, we will perform an extensive multi-point inspection on your transmission at no cost. Our free transmission diagnostic will help give us a starting point to better understand the nature of your complaint and where we need to go from there. One of our qualified technicians will test drive your vehicle to make sure we experience and understand, precisely, Your specific transmission complaints. Our technician will also perform and scan test for diagnostic trouble codes stored in the vehicle's computer as well as monitor data with scan tool while driving the vehicle in order to see what the vehicle's computer is seeing. Last but not least our technician will check the transmission fluid level and condition; two very strong indicators of overall transmission health. In many cases our technicians will be able to determine what is needed and an estimate for repairs can be made. Other times further diagnostics will be necessary and an accurate estimate can be made for further diagnostics.
**** Free transmission diagnostic is designed to provide quick answers to transmission complaints that are relatively easy to reproduce; not for intermittent complaints. Diagnostic time will be charged for complaints that we are unable to reproduce within a 10 mile road test.
Free Transmission Diagnostic

Many times we find that a transmission rebuild or replacement in not necessary and the complaint can be resolved with a much cheaper repair. Modern transmissions are equipped with an array of solenoids (electrical hydraulic switches), fluid pressure sensors, temperature sensors, speed sensors etc. If any one of these items fails or quits working, it can definitely feel like your transmission is on its way out. All of these electrical components also rely on the integrity of the vehicle's computer and electrical system to function properly or the end result is the same; you feel like you might need your transmission rebuilt or replaced. At Cedar Performance, we won't sell you a transmission if all you need is a solenoid or sensor. Do you have that kind of confidence in your current mechanic's transmission diagnostic abilities? Merely calling and asking for estimates at this point is risky business. There are so many variables to take into consideration, how could anyone recommend or quote accurately having never seen your vehicle. Our solution, take advantage of our free transmission diagnostic! What have you got to lose, it's free!! If our diagnostics determine you need a complete transmission, we will match you with a repair that makes the most sense for your particular needs and circumstance. When it comes to transmission repair, there are serveral things to consider; price, warranty options and time frame, just to name a few. We will help you take the guess work out of the repairs you need by providing and explaining all your repair options and help you arrive at the one that fits you best!
Transmission Repairs

At Cedar Performance, we know your transmission is the last thing you have time to worry about but you need it done right. Every transmission that rolls off the factory line ends up having some design or engineering flaws that lead to pattern failures, and eventually, your transmission lands on the rebuild bench. There is an entire industry dedicated to correcting these design flaws by developing re-engineered parts that don't wear out the way the original factory parts did. When we rebuild your transmission here at Cedar Performance we will find the root cause of failure and install correction packages containing parts of superior design. Think the dealer remanufactured units get redesigned parts? Think again; in most cases as long as the original equipment makes it out of factory warranty, the manufacturers rarely see any point in going back to the drawing board. If you are looking for something better than factory, you can rest assured that the transmission rebuilt by Cedar Performance will be superior to the unit that rolled off the assembly line and will be ready to give you years of reliable service. Our transmission and auto repair specialists are dedicated to making sure you leave our facility with peace of mind knowing that your car received the best care.
Rebuilt Transmissions
"Transmission flush" is a term that is now fixed in our vocabulary but not many people are very clear on what it actually is. At the counter many people ask for it but when I ask them to describe exactly what they are looking for I'm finding most people have a hard time describing it.
What most people are actually wanting is a complete exchange of all their transmission fluid. Many shops accomplish this task with the use of a flush machine which is usually connected to the vehicle's transmission cooler lines and used to cycle old fluid out of the transmission while new is cycled in. Before the flush machine was invented the way transmission services were performed was to unbolt the transmission pan, drain the fluid that came out and either replace or clean the transmission filter or screen. The pan was then bolted back on the transmission was topped off with fresh fluid. In most cases only about 2/3 of the fluid could be replaced by this process as a fair amount remained in the torque converter or gear train and could not be accessed in this manner.

About 20 years ago the flush machine was invented and it has drastically impacted the way in which many transmissions are serviced today. I remember as a young technician having an equipment salesman wheel a flush machine into our dealership for a product demonstration and this was the first time I had seen one of these machines. I remember him listing all the many benefits this machine would bring; among those were "You will no longer need to change the filter" and "You will make far more money in less time since you merely hook up the flusher and let the machine do all the work". All these years later, time and experience have taught me that this can be a risky shortcut to take. I have made my living over the last 20 years a transmission specialist and rebuilder and have seen the damage that results from flush machines.
The first problem I see with a flush is the fact that, many times, the filter does not get changed or inspected. Would you change your engine oil without changing the filter? Why skip it on a transmission service? Removing the old transmission filter and cutting it open during a service, like we do here at Cedar Performance, can reveal some surprising facts about what is going on inside the transmission. Looking in the filter can reveal potential problems on the horizon and give the customer an early warning before their transmission leaves them on the side of the highway. We have seen everything from filters packed with clutch lining of a failing torque converter to large pieces of plastic thrust washer and were able to confirm with our customer that they had some serious issues they may have had no idea about.
An automatic transmission has several sets of clutches or frictions inside them that wear similarly to a brake pad, shedding a fair amount of clutch dust that finds normal places to land and settle allowing the transmission fluid to appear clear even if the fluid color is dark. Many flush machines recommend the use of a release agent or cleaner be installed and flushed through the transmission and can stir debris that would have otherwise remained undisturbed. These release agents as well as how the particular machine pushes fluid through the transmission can release clutch dust into the fluid causing it to appear grey and muddy. Imagine a creek or stream, flowing crystal clear. Now imagine how it looks when something comes along that disturbs its normal flow pattern such as spring run-off. Now the stream is muddy and gross. Inside an automatic transmission, that mucky fluid can now cause hydraulic valves to stick and result in a variety of problems you never had before.
Here at Cedar Performance we are transmission specialists and rebuilders. We can replace your transmission's filter and accomplish a complete fluid exchange in a way that is safe and not invasive to the transmission without the use of machines. It's a little more expensive than what other shops charge for a "flush" but let's be honest with eache other here; done right is always cheaper than done wrong, no matter what the cost right? We call it a premium transmission service and the price varies depending on the amount of total fluid that is exchanged so please give us a call today; we can find out what kind of transmission you have, get you a quote and get you on the schedule.